This Course will focus on selected aspects of leadership and their relation to school leadership and management in Quality, Child-friendly Schools in Belize.. It will cover specific topics such as theories and concepts of leadership and will examine how these concepts may be applied to school settings, used to tackle issues facing school leaders and schools today and strengthen school leaders’ roles and competencies in transforming Belizean schools into quality, child-friendly schools. 

As stipulated by the Programme Standards, Instructional Leadership for Successful Teaching and Learning is concentrated on selected aspects of instructional leadership and their relation to enhancing teaching and learning in Quality Child-friendly schools. Specific theories and practices related to learning theories and processes will be discussed through the various modes of instruction. In addition, this course provides an opportunity for school leaders to demonstrate how these concepts and practices can be used to enhance teaching and learning in schools. Ultimately, Instructional Leadership for Successful Teaching and Learning will develop school leaders' professional competencies to improve instruction in their classrooms (Instructional Leadership for Successful Teaching and Learning Course Book 2, p.4).

This Course will focus on selected aspects of organizational and collaborative leadership with specific reference to Quality Child-friendly Schools (QCFS). It will cover the application of QCFS principles on school management, the development of a healthy and supportive learning environment, and using effective networking approaches for inclusion of all stakeholders in the transformation of traditional schools into quality, child-friendly schools.

Ethics, Advocacy, Law and the School Leader is the final course in the Certificate Program in School Leadership. This course will prepare school leaders to apply ethical framework in the decision making process, it will also assist school leaders to be an advocate of their schools by exposing them to the principles of advocacy which is an essential of any school leader: and it will help school leaders to be aware of the Constitution of Belize and how that impacts the policies of a school. Participants will also become familiar with the Education Act and the attendant rules and regulation which are derived from the Act.